
Irradia Energía has been classified in the Register of Bidders and Companies in categories I02 and I09

Energés Gestión Ambiental S.L., a 100% subsidiary of the company Irradia Energía, has been classified on July 30 in the Register of Bidders and Companies in categories I02 and I09. This business classification allows the economic, financial and technical or professional solvency of companies interested in contracting with public sector entities to be accredited.

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Instalación fotovoltaica en Mercamálaga

Irradia Energía completes the execution of the contract for the photovoltaic installation of shared self-consumption for Mercamálaga

Irradia Energía completes the execution of the contract for the photovoltaic installation of shared self-consumption for Mercamálaga Irradia Energía, as the company awarded the works contract submitted to public tender, completes the execution of the 101.1 kWp and 100 kWn photovoltaic installation, which will provide approximately 142,000 kWh per year. This annual production will be…

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tecno incubadora

Irradia Energía performs the engineering and construction management for the installation of a new heat pump at the Marie Curie Technoincubator in Seville.

Irradia Energía performs the engineering and construction management for the installation of a new heat pump at the Marie Curie Technoincubator in Seville. PCT Cartuja contracted Irradia Energía to prepare the “Execution Project for the replacement of the water-water chiller plant”, as well as the Works Management, in the Marie Curie Tecnoincubator building, located in…

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